Friday, July 31, 2009

Accessive Heat

So I am sure you all know that the Northwest region has had accessive heat this past week so we have been living in 90 weather in the house with no AC downstairs, which will arrive on tuesday I hope.So we have been taking the morning to do Different things. Monday of Cource was Jared's Eye Surgery, then we went grocery shopping. Tuesday was Speech and then on to target. Wednesday morning we went to IKEA looking for dressers for Jared and I, since the 40 dollar ones we bought 8 years ago are falling apart. And we stayed home on thursday. Everyafternoon we fill the pool up with water and play outside to keep out of the hot house. Here are a few pictures I took of the kids playing. Sorry for the fuzzynes couldn't get my photo editing program to work.

1 comment:

Angela said...

That look fun. Wish we could put a pool up.